Thursday, 5 May 2011

Room update..

Anyone who knows me will tell you I want to be organized but am quite a messy person. But only in my bedroom. In the rest of the house I am a bit disciplinary with the cleanliness and organization. When it comes to my bedroom, I feel like it is my personal space and no one else really sees it and the people who do are the people that know me best. 

Recently I decided to get organized. Now, I am in the middle of it but I thought I would let you all in on the process. The image on the left is mid clean up. I had pulled everything out of my wardrobe and my sheets were half peeled off. 

In my room I have my double bed, a five draw chest of draws (black with silver handles), a (meant to be five section shelf but only has five at the moment, in black) shelf , a double wardrobe with a top shelf and a chair. This may seem like quite a bit but I have ALOT of clothes and ALOT of shoes. So it is a bit of a problem. So before I go and buy my storage items and things I am organizing. 

I desperately need to buy a shoe rack. Upstairs I have eighteen pairs of shoes and downstairs I have another ten pairs. So in theory I will need a few shoe racks. And this doesn't include the shoes I will be buying in the next few months (flats, a few more boots, new heels). 

So at the moment, I have sixteen shoes at the end of my bed. It is out the way, I can see what I have and they can air and be seen. I have two pairs of shoes on top of my book shelf (my Miss Shoe heels and Nike kicks). The rest are downstairs in the garage shoe rack. 

I will do a closer picture of the shelves when I re-organize them better. But on top I have the two pairs of shoes I mentioned before and two feather boa's. The top shelf holds two paper/straw parasols, my 18 champagne glass, a few decorative bottles, a cat statue, my pen/pencil holder and a few pairs of sunglasses. The next shelf is beauty products, my hair straightener (which will go in my beauty draw when I clear it out), a public relations textbook, a Madison magazine, my make up case and a candle. 
The third shelf is Dvd's, my Devil Wears Prada book (my books are all still packed), my Lush soaps, some jewelry boxes, some pieces of jewelry, some cotton balls/QTips etc and my pencil case.
The last section holds my hand bags, purses and some kitchen stuff for when I move out and some tiny umbrellas. 

I haven't started organizing my draw yet but I always have the top of my draws done. For Christmas I got given a tea light chandelier which I use to hang necklaces and earrings. I use a floral tea cup to hang earrings and store my pearl necklace and my snake bracelet. In the dish I keep my favourite ring and a bracelet my boyfriend gave e. I keep my favourite sunglasses and their case up here, a few more pieces of jewelry decorate the plain space. I also have an old photo of a dog and a cat I once owned and I keep my 'fake-optical' faux-ray-bans up here to. Also I keep my daily organizer on here as it's next to my bed.

I am not even half way through organizing my cupboard. On the shelf I have some storage boxes and my work shoes. So the left side of my wardrobe I keep the stuff I keep for the sake of having them or stuff I think is special, like my high school jerseys, my trench coat I need to get re fitted and my faux-fur coat. So how I have organized my wardrobe is by item then colour. I started with dresses, then singlets, then T-shirts then vests and cardigans, throw overs and jackets. I also have my belts on a coat hanger and my hair extensions strung up in there but I will show those pictures in a later blog. On the outside I keep my silk maxi dress.

When I get further I will do another blog.

Stay organized or chaotic.

AccidentlySarah xx

Thursday, 28 April 2011

What's in my Everyday Makeup Bag

I am one of those girls who has loved make up since before I even knew what it was really for. I remember fiddling with my mum's make up when I was really little trying to figure out how it all worked. Through the years I  have taught myself which products are best for me and how to use them best. And so, this is what is in my day to day make up bag.

So it seems a lot, but it seriously isn't. Basically what is there is a primer, two fluid foundations, a powder foundation, a light liquid concealer, four brushes, two Q-Tips, Bobby Pins, a cuticle pusher, nail clippers, tweezers, two eyeshadow/blush pallets, eyeliner, mascara and two lipsticks.

Okay so starting with the foundations and primers. The primer I use is Rimmel London's Fix & Perfect foundation primer in 001. I don't really like this primer as it is a little to creamy and I tend to let it settle on my skin for about five minutes before applying foundation. But I haven't really found one I love yet.

Usually I use MAC studio fix fluid for both day and night time foundation but I am trying some cheaper alternatives to see if I can find one the same or close to it. So for day time use I use Rimmel London's Stay Matte + skin pure complex in 100 Ivory. I find for the day time this foundation works quite well as it is light although slightly difficult to put on as it requires a lot of blending.
For occasions where I am going out to somewhere I might need more coverage I use Revlon's Photo Ready foundation in 005 Natural Beige. When I go clubbing I use a light Stay Matte cover to prime for the Photo Ready. It gives a coverage which stays all night.
For concealer, I use M.A.C's select cover up in NW25. I only need coverage for under my eyes so this is light enough to cover up the circles for both day and night.
And as a general foundation, which I lightly dust and buff over day and night foundations, I use M.A.C studio fix in NC35. I love the finishing look it gives.
Time for brushes. I don't like using sponges anymore and I used to have like 20 brushes but for the use of every day I just use these four. So to apply my daily foundation I use my Artiste professional duo fiber flat foundation brush. To blend my day time foundation in and for applying clubbing make up I use my stipple brush which is a M.A.C duo fiber 188. For powder and buffing and also blush I use my Artiste professional medium powder brush. Then for eyeshadow, smudging and eyebrows I use my Artiste professional eye shadow brush. I need to buy a few new brushes for blush, contouring and such, but money is limited you know.
Also I keep my tweezers, cuticle pusher and nail clippers in my every day make up case or else I would lose them. Also I like to keep a few bobby pins to push back my hair while I do my make up. The Q-Tips are to apply lipstick and to also help with eye make up and such. I change these nearly every day.

Now to lipstick. I tend to favor these two lipsticks more then any others because, well, I use them the most. But they are, Revlon 090 True Red and Max Factor 610 Angel Pink. I try not to use the red straight from the tube onto my lips in the day time as it is quite bright but I use the Angel Pink in the day time a lot with some concealer to make a colour I love.

And finally, eye stuff. So the pallets I use are quite old and probably full of bacteria and I mean to replace them very soon! Okay, so the one you can see on the right which is all plums, pinks and reds I use for highlighting my brow but also I use them as blush's, contours and highlighting my cheek bones.
The darker pallet I often use instead of eyeliner and I love creating smokey eyes with them.
Don't even ask where I got them, because they came in a set I got a present and it was unmarked. But they work well, so who cares what the brand is right.
The eye liner I use at the moment is Revlon Colour Stay in black. And for Mascara I use M.A.C's False Lash in black which is absolutely amazing.

Okay, so I am going to do a review of most the products I talked about today in the next week or so. So stay ...tuned?

Stay beautiful.
AccidentlySarah xx

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Personality Dilemma

Sometimes I forget who I am. Today I had a slight hit of this. I looked next to my bed, to where I have random stuff while my carpet was being cleaned. 
On a chair (no idea where this chair came from, it randomly appeared in my room one day and has never been taken away), is my printer. On my printer is my sky blue, Colette Dinigan purse, my rosary-bead-cross necklace made in Byron Bay, my tea cup where I keep an assortment of things (it has never been used for any liquid). Currently inside is a plastic pearl necklace, an easter egg wrapper, a leopard print bracelet, a gold plated bracelet, a Q-Tip, a nail polish remover wipe and my name badge for work. 
Also sitting on the printer is a box of tampons and my khaki coat. 
There was one thing on this chair which really is not me. Tampons. I hate them, why are they there. It was this tiny insignificant thing which sent my mind wandering as to who the hell I am. 
I looked further around my room and everything seemed to fit into my personality pretty well. 
My Unit flat brim hat hanging on my wall. The only thing hanging on my wall in fact.
A few feather boa's, shoes of every style you could ever think of. Giant hand bags and clutch hand bags. A shell pink, leather brief case which used to hold make up. Lot's of pens and paper. CD's. A steal-lock-and-key CD case which I call the gun case. Leather, lace and studs. Stripes, spots and love hearts. Bandanas. Magazines. After sun lotion. Text books for media law and public relations. More shoes. Hair dryers and a hair curler. Bus tickets and rose petals. Yeah, I have a messy room okay. But it's not ALL on the floor. Just some of it.
I am not a tidy person. Well I am, just not in my room. I have silk sheets and a (faux) fur blanket. I have random little tables and random bit chairs in my room. I have black furniture and white walls. It doesn't make sense. Sue me.
But it is who I am. But one tiny thing in my room threw me off. The tampons. I couldn't believe it. But it's not who I am. And it made me think about those people who hide their real personalities behind season by season covers. 
A conversation with a friend last night about 'teeny boppers' also was a little bit of a spark for my blabber of today. We were talking about how they are ruining real styles, like Indi and punk rocker. It is a shame because the real people behind these styles live the lifestyle but the mainstream, cheap stores mass produce their clothing and then suddenly every fourteen year old girl is dressed as one. It's wrong, but it's the way things are.
I wear clothes I bought when I was a lot younger (and can somehow still fit into, trust me that isn't many pieces). I wear clothes I bought last week. I mix and match. I dress how I feel and how I want. So many people try to put me into a label, but i hate to tell them, I am not anything. I am just me.
Does this upset me? Not really. Should it upset them? No, why should it?
In the end you just have to become comfortable in your own skin and live with it. 

Cold Hearted Love

I read a quote said by Charlie Sheen the other day which got my thinking about a lot of things.
"Best way to not get your heart broke is to pretend like you don't have one." Charlie Sheen

 I wish I couldn't relate to this quote. And I wish the person who made me this way didn't either. They say a bitch is someone who either someone who isn't willing to have their heart broken or someone who has had their heart broken before. I would be number one and then number two.

But for the purpose of today's useless dribble, I would like to focus on the person who made me the way I am. He is cold and heartless. To everyone else he has never loved and he never will. Even the people who say they know him well will say he is the type of person who is a rock and can never be broke. I know better.
He is just like everyone else. He was scared of falling in love and scared of getting hurt. So when he fell in love he decided to hurt the person before they could hurt him. It's a shame he couldn't get it through his head the person he hurt would have done anything for him, as long as he stayed.

I wish I could reach out to every person who believes hurting others will save themselves from getting hurt. I wish I could make them see what they think is wrong and that there are people out there who truly care for them. But I guess some people never learn. And for those who have been hurt by someone like this, it's really not you, it is them. Don't do what I have and shut off everyone who would ever try and love and support you. Because in the end, aren't I just like that cold son of a bitch?

Saturday, 23 April 2011

My new workout plan! Weightloss the healthy, diet free way!

Okay, so I was going to put up a photo of my current weight but I couldn't get up the stairs after doing my first night of my new work out plan. But I will soon I promise. Now, a lot of people say I shouldn't be unhappy with my weight, but I am, simple. It has nothing to do with what other people say, I just feel like I could look a hell of a lot better. Every month I will be changing my work out plan so I don't hit the wall, but this is the first month!

Can I just add, while I am writing this I am slowly sipping a glass of room temperature water and I am sweating to death. When I am done I will somehow go upstairs. Okay so this months work out plan is a mix of my own history of exercise which has worked before and also a work out plan called 'Beach Babes' from a Youtube channel called ToneItUpcom ( who are amazing.

So I am going to take you guys through it step by step! Let me know if it works for you or if yours is different let me know what you are doing! I also apologize for how I described some of the exercises, some of them are difficult to explain.

-20 Frog Jumps: Stand with your legs at shoulder width and use this first stance as your starting and finishing point. Jump forwards, your legs still apart at the same width and then do a squat. Jump back to the original place and squat. Repeat.

-30 Side Lunges: Same stance as before lean to the right till your in a position your knee closer to the ground. Instead of returning to the original stance, keep going past the stance and twist your body, right knee connecting with left elbow. Then return to original stance. (See what I mean about bad description). Do this 30 reps for each side.

-5 Walk out Push Ups. Stand toes together. Go down as if you were going to touch your toes but as your do move your hands out till the are a step ahead, then keep moving outwards till your body is stretched out. Follow with one push up. Then use your hands to 'crawl' back up till you are standing. (I am only starting with 5 because I am terrible at push ups. I will increase by 5 each week).

-High Knees. Stand with feet about a foot apart. Join your hands together and keep them at chest height. Jog on the spot but bring your knees upwards to meet your hands which will go from side to side as you swing your arms. (I do this till I feel like I can't physically cannot do anymore).

-20 Waistline Crunches: Stand as if you are going to do a star jump. Legs apart but with only one arm in the air, the other on your hip. Start with the right side. Bring your arm down till it is bent and the elbow is about waist height. Bring the knee up to meet it. Return to starting position. Do this 20 reps for each side.

-Figure 8's- Stand with your feet and knees at shoulder width or feet together. Twist your hips so they looks like they are drawing an '8'. Swing your arms in a salsa style. Do this for about a minute or so.

-20 toe touches- I am starting this in the easy position. My legs slightly spread, arms straight in the air. Bring your arms down in a swinging motion to touch the space between your legs. Then bring back up to starting position. Rep 20 times. Once your flexibility increased, try with your legs together, or legs further apart.

-20 mixed toe touches- Repeat the above exercise but when returning to starting position bend slightly backwards. Do 20 reps.

-20 balances. With feet together take your right foot in your right hand. Lean forward and let your arm stretch out in front of you. Hold for five seconds then return to holding your foot. Repeat 20 times on each leg.

-20 Sit Ups- Start by laying back on your back and your knees bent. Bring yourself up till you are mid way between your knees. Then return back to position.

- Meditation- Sit with legs crossed and just relax. Let yourself slow your breathing.

For the first week I am only doing these exercises once. Each week I will step it up another rep. I will also be going for a jog most morning which before I will be doing 20 sit ups and some stretches and a little yoga.

To really make sure I am doing this right I will be eating what I want but in small proportions. I generally eat pretty healthy. But I will also be drinking more water.

Let's see if this works and let's get fit!

Keep Healthy!
AccidentlySarah xx

Monday, 18 April 2011

Tips&Tricks for Doing basic nails.

I decided to do a quick tutorial on how to do basic nails. No acrylics or gels or anything, which I will do later, but simply painting your own nails. I also added a few tips I have picked up. 

Okay, so to begin you will need five things. (Yes I know the picture is sideways). So you will need nail polish remover. For this I am using grape scented 'Remove It' wipes (nail polish remover pads) from Sportsgirl ($6.95). You will also need Vaseline (I got a baby tub for $2.95). Also small buds (Q-Tips) and a nail cleaner/cuticle pusher (which I got in a fake nail kit). Obviously you will need nail polish and today I am using just a cheapie from Rubi Shoes in the shade spearmint ($4.95).
So first you are going to need to fully clean your nails. My nail polish was ruined the night before when I picked at it on the long journey home from Brisbane. And yes my nails are short, I am in the process of growing them out again as they got weakened at work. You used to only be able to use a cotton ball and liquid nail polish remover which smelt terrible and would sting if you had any small cuts around your nails. What I find best is to use nail polish wipes. A lot of different companies use them but I chose the scented ones from Sportsgirl. A friend of mine uses one wipe per finger nail but I use one wipe per hand. So with the wipes, what I do is place the wipe on the nail and then rub the polish off...simple.

After this, soak your hands in a bowl of luke warm water. It will remove any nail polish remover remaining and soften your cuticles. Dry your hands and clean under the nails with a nail cleaner (I used the pointed end of my cuticle pusher). Then gently push back your cuticles with the slanted end of the pusher. The cuticles are the little bits of skin that cover your nails. Make sure to be really gentle when doing this. The picture on the left is after I have fully done all of this.

Next is the Vaseline. I like to use paw paw cream as Vaseline is made from petroleum (petrol), but I ran out. Using the Q-tip dip it generously into the Vaseline and run it around the nail, as close as possible to the nail itself. By doing this it stops any excess nail polish from going on the skin and can be easily removed. Use the other end of the Q-tip to wipe off any excess that makes it's way onto the nail.
Apply the first coat of nail polish. Some people start from the outside but i like to do one strip down the middle then the outer sides. Allow to fully dry before adding the next layers. To dry the first layer quicker you can run the nails under gentle running cold water.

As you can see in the photo on the right I have applied two coats and have made a bit of a mess around the nail. Keep applying as many coats as necessary to get the depth you need/want. After the last layer has been applied dip your fingers into a bowl of ice cold water. This dries the nail polish quicker. Keep your fingers there for around 2-5 minutes.
Dry your hands and then using a Q-tip carefully removed the vaseline around the nails. Hopefully the nail polish should go with it.
Once you are done your nails should look like mine do on the left. I will be doing another tutorial soon on how to apply your own fake nails and also another just like this once my nails are longer.
I am not the best at applying nail polish but hopefully you have picked up some tricks.

Stay beautiful.
Accidently Sarah xx

Sunday, 17 April 2011

I'm Coming Home

Over the weekend I took a trip down memory lane. Saturday morning, through the rain, my boyfriend and myself took off down the highway for what was meant to be an hour drive. We took a pit stop and it turned out to be a 3 hours trip. No traffic, so do not even know how that happened.
We were setting off to go to my Mum's house. The house she lives in now is the house I was brought home to from the hospital when I was born. A little brick house in the ghetto. Small garden big enough for a big bird avery filled with parrots and finches and all sorts of noisy bastards.
Anyway, the boyfriend had never met her before. And to be honest, I was nervous. He wasn't. I think he knew enough about her to be calmer then a fish in water. When he did meet her they got along fine. Don't even know what I was worrying about.
I hate going home to my hometown. I lived there for fifteen years and yet I still can't quite come to grips with the place. It is odd. Very far from the place I live now. I stick out...still.
We went for a little shopping expedition. Trying to dress down a little, because I know the town uniform is no shoes, a ripped pair of shorts and a non fitting singlet, I wore black full length lycra tights, a kind of army printed shirt which I tied up to show a slight bit of belly as the tights are high tops, a pair of suspenders and my black fur top boots. I curled my hair and wore my make up simple. And yet, people still looked at me like I was an alien. The men nearly passed out from excitement and the women nearly passed out with jealousy or disgust. Now, on the other hand my boyfriend walked with his head high beside me enjoying the fact everyone was ogling at his girl. I sound a little vain, but I promise this is what happened.
But the thing about being home is the memories. Even the streets reminded me of the tiniest things. When I used to walk up to the shop for potato gems or sour lollies with my friends after small town carnivals. Or what I used to see every day on the walk to school. Or when Mum and Dad spent three hours picking out the new light fixtures. And although the house has changed, much of the influence of Mum's boyfriend I feel, there are still the slight touches which have been there since I before I could walk.
Like the high detailed sketch of a naked woman my Uncle drew. Or the print of victorian dressed folk rowing a boat on the water. Or the light fixtures. It was just the little stuff which drew out the oldest, tiniest details.
And when I left, I still felt like I was leaving home. Even thought I haven't lived there for nearly 4 years and don't fit in. It is still where I call home.

Picture above: Mum's fishtank.